SFA 6010 - Safety Credit Form

SFA 6015 - Safety Credit Summary

Safety Credit Information Sheet

The purpose of the Safety Credit Program is to provide funds to VCSSFA Member District Safety Committees for the implementation of District safety and risk management programs.

The VCSSFA sets aside 5% of each District's Property, Liability, and Workers' Compensation annual contribution for that District's Safety Budget.

Safety Credit funds should be used for the following:

  1. Controlling or minimizing risks that could result in injury, illness, and/or claims filed against the LEA;
  2. Development, implementation, and maintenance of safety and risk management program;
  3. Risk Management salaries;
  4. Emergency and disaster preparedness expenditures including supplies.

Safety Credit funds may NOT be used for the following:

  1. Deferred maintenance;
  2. "Wear and tear" repair or replacement;
  3. Student curriculum supplies and equipment;
  4. Workers' compensation first aid claims and liability or property deductibles.
  5. Fees for required inspections and fines resulting from regulatory citations.
  6. Any requests that do not meet the criteria above will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Upon approval by the VCSSFA Board Representative or Alternate, the LEA should submit a completed "Safety Credit Request for Reimbursement Form", Form SFA 6010. Form SFA 6015 shoulde be included to itemize requests that include multiple expenditures. Attachments should also include invoices, receipts, and/or payroll documentation.

Upon receipt, the request will be reviewed for eligibility and payment will be processed directly by the VCSSFA staff.

All funds not utilized in a fiscal year will be carried over to the next fiscal year.