News & Events



VCSSFA offers its Member districts Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) and WorkLife Services Benefits. These programs are designed to provide confidential  support for those struggling with things such as stress at work, those who need financial or legal advice, or are coping with grief at the loss of a loved one. These programs are available 24-7. You can find more information about the program by clicking here.

Global Digital Training
Diversity and Inclusion Catalog Q3 

Upcoming Events

Board of Directors
October 15, 2024

Executive Committee
July 9, 2024 - Cancelled

Risk Management Committee
August 7, 2024


Seminar 7 - Safety Series - May 22, 2024

Risk Management

Risk Management is one of the top priorities for VCSSFA. By utilizing best practices, districts can reduce losses, thereby protecting students, staff and resources to ensure continuation of the educational process. The Risk Management Committee meets regularly and is dedicated to continuously improving best practices for safety.

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The VCSSFA Executive Committee meets every month, with the Board of Directors meeting quarterly. Pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act, all agendas and minutes from all VCSSFA meetings are posted, following approval by the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.

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The VCSSFA provides forms to all Member districts. These forms can be used for field trips, students' medical needs, or in the unfortunate case of a school employee accident. Some forms are provided in Word format so that school districts can modify the form to be consistent with district policies and procedures.

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